Records And Safeguarding

Record keeping and confidentiality
To care for children effectively I need some information about them. Parents should complete a Child Record Form and provide any information relevant to their child’s care. They should also keep me up to date with any changes.
I will keep records of accidents, significant incidents, any medication administered, attendance etc.
I also keep records of progress and development for all children in the early years age group (under 5 years old).
I will keep all personal information confidential and written records on the children are kept in a locked file. Computer based files are kept secure.
I will seek permission from parents before sharing any information with other professionals or settings. If I needed to claim on my insurance I may need to share details of an incident with them. I will not share information about individual children without permission from parents – the only exception to this would be child protection issues.
I have Data Protection registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Safeguarding children
As a childminder protecting children in my care from abuse is a priority.
Various checks have been carried out to ascertain my suitability to be a childminder. I have had a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check, and OFSTED inspections. I have undertaken training, which has included child protection, and will continue to take part in relevant training.
To protect the children in my care, I will:

  • Maintain a written record of visitors to my home while I am childminding
  • Never allow the children in my care to be left alone with anyone, except in accordance with my Emergency Policy.
  • Keep records of injuries and accidents
  • Keep records about children in my care safe and secure
  • Make sure parents are aware of my policies and procedures and keep them up to date.
  • Ensure that I have relevant permissions including photographing the children.

Mobile phones and photographs
My mobile phone and most other mobile phones have the facility to take photos. I will only take and use photographs of the children with permission and I will not allow anyone else to take photos of the children without first getting permission.

Concerns about suspected abuse
My first responsibility and priority is to the children in my care. If I suspect abuse – emotional, physical, sexual or neglect – I am obliged to act. I will respond to any significant changes in behaviour, to any comments children make that give me cause for concern, to any unexplained marks or bruising on a child and to signs of neglect. I will keep records of any concerns. I will report my concerns, if I believe it is necessary to safeguard the child. These might be the only records on a child that I would not share with their parent.
If a child tells me that they, or another child, are being abused, I will listen to what they say and take their allegations seriously. I will make a record of what they have said, take appropriate action and tell the child what action I will take.
I may seek support and advice from agencies such as Pacey (the professional association of childcare and early years) , OFSTED, or Social Services. This might not involve identifying the child.
I would use my professional judgement to decide whether or not to raise concerns with the parent.
I will make sure I am up to date with procedures and information set out by the Kent Safeguarding Children Board, and check this every six months. If I am worried about the safety of a child I will follow the procedure set out by the Safeguarding Children Board which usually means contacting Kent Children’s Social Services.
If an allegation is made against me, any member of my family or any other adult or child in my setting I will report it to Ofsted and social services, following the Kent Safeguarding Children Board procedures.
I am aware of the Prevent Duty which says that I must have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism’. If I have any concerns I will contact the Kent Safeguarding Children Board and/or Kent Police.


for more information


23 North Street
ME16 9HE
01622 726908
07947 387462
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Normal hours

My normal hours are below but if you need hours outside these please ask.

MON. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
TUE. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
WED. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
THU. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
FRI. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.